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商品網址: http://www.kingstone.com.tw/english/book_page.asp?kmcode=203c109144849&RID=C1000302652&actid=WISE


Why being a 'fast second' is often more financially rewarding than being at the cutting edge If you get there first, you'll lead the pack, right? Not necessarily! The skill-sets of most established companies, say strategy experts Constantinos Markides and Paul Geroski, are far better suited to scaling up newly created markets pioneered by others (in other words, being 'fast seconds') than to creating these markets from scratch. In Fast Second, they explore the characteristics of new markets, describe the skills needed to create and compete in them, and show how these skills match up with different types of companies. Drawing on examples of successful fast-second firms such as Microsoft, Amazon, Canon, JVC, Heinz, and many others, they illustrate how to determine which new markets have the potential to be successful and how to move into them before the competition does, when to make a move into a new market, how to scale up a market, where to position a company in the market, and whether to be a colonizer or a consolidator. Constantinos Markides (London, UK) is author of the bestselling strategy book All the Right Moves (23,000 copies sold) and Professor of Strategic and International Management at London Business School and Harvard Business School. Paul A. Geroski (London, UK) is Professor of Economics at London Business School whose specialties include competitive strategy and market structure.

  • 出版社:Jossey-Bass Inc Pub

  • 簡介

      規格:23.5*15.9*1.3 cm

    • ISBN:9780787971540

    • 裝訂:精裝

    • Fast Second

    • 適讀年齡:全齡適讀

    • 重量:383g
      系列名稱:How Smart Companies Bypass Radical Innovation To Enter And Dominate New Markets


    Fast Second

    Fast Second

  • 作者:Markides, Constantinos, Geroski, Paul

  • 個人信用貸款條件 級別:全一冊


  • 出版日:2004/10/29

  • 金石碼:203c109144849

  • 語言:英文

  • 個人信貸利率比較


    商品網址: http://www.kingstone.com.tw/english/book_page.asp?kmcode=203c109144849&RID=C1000302652&actid=WISE

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